Faith Based Media in Peace Building and Reconciliation in Kenya
Naomi L. Shitemi, Mosol Kandagor, Mwanakombo Noordin, Reuben Kigame
Review of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1(1), pp. 14-24.

The interventions, following the infamous 2007/8 post-election violence in Kenya, brought to fore initiatives of dialogue and peace building and reconciliation. Individuals, organizations and institutions rose to the occasion in a variety of ways, each one of them seeking to make a contribution to the restoration of Kenya. Strategies that worked around dialogue, healing, reconciliation and rehabilitation were immense. This paper focused on the role of the media, particularly faith based, in addressing the plight that faced Kenya during and after the 2007/8 post-election violence period. Their contact and communication with the community through various programs have been highlighted and dialogued in the study. Of significance are the endeavors to challenge the people, individually and collectively in a manner that sought to prick their conscience thus begging of them to be mindful of each others’ welfare and each others’ keepers. A variety of media programs that ran during the post-election violence period were cited and analyzed. It came out clearly that faith based media played a pivotal role in peace building and reconciliation during and after the 2007/8 post-election violence in Kenya.

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Shitemi et al. (2013). Faith Based Media in Peace Building and Reconciliation in Kenya. Review of Journalism and Mass Communication, 1(1), pp. 14-24.

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Naomi L. Shitemi, PhD
Department of Kiswahili & Other African Languages
Moi University, Kenya

Dr. Mosol Kandagor is a lecturer of Kiswahili at Moi University-Kenya. He holds PhD in Kiswahili Studies from Moi University, Kenya and Master of Arts in Kiswahili Studies from University of Nairobi-Kenya. He has been teaching in various universities since 2000, i.e, University of Eastern Africa Baraton, Kenya Methodist University, Kabarak University. Kabianga University and Moi University among others. He has published several papers in peer reviewed journal. His research interests include Language use and communication studies. Currently he is the head of Kiswahili and Other African Languages department at Moi University.

Mwanakombo MohamedNoordin is a Senior Lecturer of Literature in Kiswahili at Moi University, Eldoret Kenya. She earned her Ph.D from Moi University in 2011. She has co-edited 'Kiswahili as a tool for development: The multidisciplinary Approach (MU press 2001). Researched and published ‘Kiswahili language and the future of the East African Integration in the Age of Globalization’, in Adebayo 2010, Marginality and Crisis- Globalization and Identity in Contemporary Africa.Also ‘An Interpretation of Islamic Feminism in Kiswahili literature’, in Ogechi (ed) 2008, NadhariakatikaTaalumaya Kiswahili nalughazaKiafrika ( MU press -143-157.)Further‘ New techniques in the teaching of Kiswahili literature,’ in KimaniNjogu, 2007, Kiswahili naElimuNchini Kenya ( Twaweza Publication, Nairobi pg 83-93). Others are ‘The Supernatural Phenomenon of PEPO as an interpretation of oral literature,’ in KimaniNjogu, 2006, FasihiSimuliziya Kiswahili, ( Twaweza Publication, Nairobi pg 93-103). She is currently working on a book-length study of, ‘The Leso: Symbol of The Swahili Culture.’

Mr. Reuben Kigame is a blind Christian Minister, music producer and Broadcaster with a media career spanning nearly 20 years. He is a free-lance writer on Apologetics, Broadcasting, Music, Politics and Philosophy. A graduate of Kenyatta University with a B.Ed in Philosophy,History and religious Studies,Kigame is pursuing an M.A. in Christian Apologetics and andMsc in Journalism and Media Studies.He, his wife, Julie, and four children have their home in Eldoret from where he operates Fish FM, established in 2006 to reach the community with faith-based broadcasts aimed at positive community transformation.