Traditional Media Use of Journalists and Audiences in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Bashir Memon

Media have become part and parcel in the routines of our everyday life. However, on the other hand media consumers have also become selective in their media preferences and choices to seek information. In this way, this study presents data about media consumption preferences of Sindh journalists and the widely consumed medium in Sindh in the opinion of Sindh journalists in Pakistan. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a purposive and opportunistic sample of 576 Sindh journalists affiliated with print, electronic and wire-service media organisations. The key findings indicated that in the respect of print media the Sindh journalists preferred most to read newspaper. Whereas, in the perspective of electronic media it was observed that television was the highest consumed medium by the Sindh journalists. Additionally, the sample journalists viewed that among the Sindh audience the most widely consumed news medium is first, newspaper and then television.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/rjmc.v2n2a5