University Students’ Listening Behaviour of FM Radio Programmes in Nigeria: An Exploratory Approach
Dr. Oghogho Uyi OSAZEE-ODIA, Dr. Lucky OJOBOR

This study explores university students listening behaviour of FM radio programmes, with DELSU FM 103.7 radio station as a study location to assess the motivations for listening to FM radio programmes and gratifications being derived. A self-completion questionnaire was administered to 200 students in different faculties/department in Delta State University, using simple random sampling procedure and the students selected were regular listeners of FM radio programmes. The respondents’ data were presented in tables, pie chart, bar chart and descriptive statistic to unfold demographic profile of respondents and the listening patterns of FM radio programmes. Findings revealed that majority of students were more incline towards information derivation. The study also found information/knowledge as the most gratification to students. Further findings indicated the students’ frequency of listening to DELSU FM radio programmes was consistent or regular noting the use of mobile media as facilitative devices for students’ ability in listening to DELSU FM radio programmes. The study observes that the uses and gratifications theory of the media help underscore the students’ actions and decisions in exploring the potentialities of FM radio programmes for self-benefits or gratifications affirming as well as the uniqueness of radio as a medium of mass communication in society.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/rjmc.v5n2a3